

Numerals are a type of determiner that convey numbers. They can be cardinal (one, two, etc.), ordinal (first, second, etc), multiplicative (once, twice, etc.) or have other grammatical functions in other languages. In a sentence they can serve as various parts of speech depending on the type of numeral.



Play eerste
first ordinal
Play drie
three cardinal
Play acht
eight cardinal
Play nul
zero cardinal
Play tweede
second ordinal
Play twee
two cardinal
Play tien
ten cardinal
Play één
one cardinal
Play zesde
sixth ordinal
Play tiende
tenth ordinal
Play zeven
seven cardinal
Play vijf
five cardinal
Play vier
four cardinal
Play negen
nine cardinal
Play derde
third ordinal
Play elf
eleven cardinal
Play negende
ninth ordinal
Play vijftien
fifteen cardinal
Play zesenzeventig
seventy-six cardinal
Play dertig
thirty cardinal
Play eenentwintig
twenty-one cardinal
Play vijfde
fifth ordinal
Play zevende
seventh ordinal
Play twaalf
twelve cardinal
Play tweeëndertig
thirty-two cardinal
Play veertig
forty cardinal
Play dertien
thirteen cardinal
Play vierenvijftig
fifty-four cardinal
Play twintig
twenty cardinal
Play vierde
fourth ordinal
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